

Hello and welcome to the laura lehan photography blogsite! I am so glad that you stopped by! This blog serves as my blog and website all in one. It is here that you can enjoy my latest work and learn a little bit more about me, my new business and most of all, my love of photography!

Photography has always been a passion of mine and hopefully this is evident in the images on this page! I would define my photographic style as modern elegance meets vintage romance. There may actually even be a little bit of recklessness and even wild abandon mixed in there too!

I am always looking for new clients and ideas. So if you are interested in scheduling a shoot, have any questions or fun new ideas, please email me at

Don't forget to become a follower, so that you can receive emails when I update my blog! Or you can just obssessively stalk it daily. I mean, whatever you want to do, who am I to judge?


Friday, February 12, 2010

2010 PhotoChallenge | january week 3 {resolution}

Another resolution of mine that falls under my overall improved health and fitness, is to eat more vegetables.  This should not be an issue for me because I LOVE vegetables!  {It is strange what growing up does to you, isn't it?!}  I just need to remember not to let life and being busy detour me from eating foods that are good for me.  I hope you enjoy these zucchini's as much as I did, but I am not sure if that is possible . . . ?!

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