

Hello and welcome to the laura lehan photography blogsite! I am so glad that you stopped by! This blog serves as my blog and website all in one. It is here that you can enjoy my latest work and learn a little bit more about me, my new business and most of all, my love of photography!

Photography has always been a passion of mine and hopefully this is evident in the images on this page! I would define my photographic style as modern elegance meets vintage romance. There may actually even be a little bit of recklessness and even wild abandon mixed in there too!

I am always looking for new clients and ideas. So if you are interested in scheduling a shoot, have any questions or fun new ideas, please email me at

Don't forget to become a follower, so that you can receive emails when I update my blog! Or you can just obssessively stalk it daily. I mean, whatever you want to do, who am I to judge?


Friday, February 12, 2010

2010 PhotoChallenge | feburary week 1 {natural landscapes}

Oh man! Feburary's Photo Challenge is a doozy! Natural Landscapes! What constitutes a natural landscape? Wikipedia says, “A natural landscape is one that is unaffected by human activity.” Wowza! I have my work cut out for me! :)

Here is my first attempt at a natural landscape in suburbia . . .

It isn't the most beautiful natural landscape around, but it is probably one of the only untouched areas in my rapidly growing suburban town.  If you look real close you can see a statue of Mother Mary placed in the middle of the field.  I will admit the first time I saw this I was totally freaked out!  But then I learned that this large field is actually owned by a private Christian school down the road that has been looking to expand on this site for quiet some time now, but has yet to do so.  So it won't remain unaffected by human activity forever!

2010 PhotoChallenge | january week 4 {resolution}

My final photograph for January's RESOLUTION theme is . . .

I need to floss more and just to take better care of my teeth in general! Do you notice how I have the adult floss up in the front as if those are the ones that I use the most. {But if you want to know the truth . . . check out the one in the middle! The Wild String! Now that is my favorite! It is this wonderful childlike Cherry flavor that reminds me of a lipsmackers lip balm. Yum!}

2010 PhotoChallenge | january week 3 {resolution}

Another resolution of mine that falls under my overall improved health and fitness, is to eat more vegetables.  This should not be an issue for me because I LOVE vegetables!  {It is strange what growing up does to you, isn't it?!}  I just need to remember not to let life and being busy detour me from eating foods that are good for me.  I hope you enjoy these zucchini's as much as I did, but I am not sure if that is possible . . . ?!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

baxter | minneapolis pet photographer

I am going to say it . . . and you may disagree . . . but I am going to say it anyway . . .  Baxter is the best dog on the face of the planet!  I grew up having cats all my life and so I don't really know how to relate to dogs.  I also don't appreciate when people lick my face, let alone a dog!  But Baxter . . .  he knows this, he understands this, he respects this.  Everytime that he greets me he gives me this look, as if asking if he can lick my face.  I say no.  And then he just settles down and gets comfortable in my lap.  I adore this little ritual of ours.  While the boys were out town, I got to entertain Baxter for a day.  It was really nice having him at home with me while I was working.  We went on about 8 mini-walks/potty breaks and I am pretty sure he went just a little bit each time!  He is a hoot!