

Hello and welcome to the laura lehan photography blogsite! I am so glad that you stopped by! This blog serves as my blog and website all in one. It is here that you can enjoy my latest work and learn a little bit more about me, my new business and most of all, my love of photography!

Photography has always been a passion of mine and hopefully this is evident in the images on this page! I would define my photographic style as modern elegance meets vintage romance. There may actually even be a little bit of recklessness and even wild abandon mixed in there too!

I am always looking for new clients and ideas. So if you are interested in scheduling a shoot, have any questions or fun new ideas, please email me at

Don't forget to become a follower, so that you can receive emails when I update my blog! Or you can just obssessively stalk it daily. I mean, whatever you want to do, who am I to judge?


Monday, January 18, 2010

quotation | the importance of imagination

I stumbled across this quote and it made me stop and smile. I think that it applies not only to photography, but to life in general and how you perceive the things around you. So I thought I would share!

"You cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus."
-Mark Twain

2010 PhotoChallenge | january week 2 {resolution}

My second resolution for the new year is the standard to loose weight. And judging by the length of time that it takes me to find a parking space at Lifetime, this is probably several other's resolution as well! I am actually aiming for an overall improved health and fitness, but this encompasses weight loss {and another one of my resolutions as well, so stay tuned!}.

2010 PhotoChallenge | january week 1 {resolution}

I have been looking for ways to challenge myself and my photography. So I was looking for photo projects or assignments to take on . . . and voila, I came across the website and decided that I was going to do it! How it works is you shoot one photo a week that fits into that current months theme.

January's assignment is RESOLUTION. My first resolution for the new year is to be on time. I am good about timing when I have appointments and the like, but socially there is definitely room for improvement! {It is funny though because this is technically the January week 1 assignment and so I should have had this done two weeks ago! But in my defense, I just found the website last week!} Also, please note the different times on my watch and wall clock. I chose to use the two timepieces in my house that don't actually work, just to further the irony about me trying to be on time!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

the coeys' | minneapolis family photographer

I had been trying to get together with the Coeys' to take family photographs for quiet some time. We decided to take advantage of the beautiful Minnesota Fall color and take photographs in two lake parks in the southern metro. Marc is my boyfriend's (Matt) brother. The sweet Jodi is the Mrs. and the wonderful Gwen and adorable Gavin are their two children. Both of the kids play hockey and Marc coaches both teams! So we were lucky to find the time to get together! We were all very suprised at Gavin's willingness and modeling talent!

I made a photobook of my favorite shots and gave it to them for Christmas! I also gave one to Grandma and sent one to Grandpa. I hope they all enjoy them!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

missy + bud | married {minneapolis wedding photographer}

Missy and Bud were married and had their wedding reception at River Oaks Golf Course in Cottage Grove. It was raining so the ceremony had to be moved inside. Despite the upsets of the day, Missy and Bud looked so happy to be joined together! This was another wedding where I assisted my fabulous cousin, Katie, of Ponsolle's Portraits and it was lovely!

christina + jp | MOCK engaged {minneapolis MOCK engagement photographer}

Okay, so Christina + JP aren't engaged . . . yet. But we had a good time pretending for the day! I even made them a mock Save the Date card; Christina thought it was hilarous but JP didn't want us getting any ideas! Okay, so my date was a little presumptious?! Either way they were a delight to photograph. And it was clear to see how much they truly love and enjoy one another. So when it is time, their wedding and marriage will be beautiful. Thanks, you two! I had a blast!

Oh and that is their dog, Greg. Yes, Greg. It is funny when Christina tells stories about him and people who don't know, wonder if she is talking about her boyfriend! :)

Here is an example of one of my cards:

I create unique customized cards for all types of events that showcase your favorite photographs. If you would be interested in my custom cards, please contact me!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

michelle | minneapolis portrait photographer

I grabbed my camera and my assistant Grace (my daughter) and met up with my friend Michelle in Wayzata. Michelle wanted some promotional photographs for her jewelry business, so I jumped at the opportunity to take photos of her for her website. Michelle sells the wildly popular, Lia Sophia jewelry!